My way as an author
My first book was published in 2000 by Kosmos, it was a breed monograph about one of my favourite breeds, the German Shepherd. Ten years later, I revised the book for the new edition. It was on sale until 2018, so it was printed over a period of 18 years. At the beginning (i.e. around 2000) it was still common that readers could send questions to the author via mail. The readers did this diligently, and I still have a whole box full of reader mail today. For that reason, too, this book was something very special to me – today, it is only available second-hand.

During my time on Ibiza I wrote my second book, “Dog-Finder” (published by Ulmer Verlag). My heart is also very attached to this book, because it was the first book I planned myself from beginning to end. This book was designed to determine which breed fits one’s lifestyle better and which less well. For my first two books I drew some illustrations, and from then on I also illustrated some books of other authors.
A few more books for the publishers Kosmos and Ulmer followed; all in all my books were translated into many other languages (among others French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Danish).
Over the decades I wrote many articles for special interest magazines andnützlich journals, many of them on color genetics, but also on first aid, deaf dogs, animal welfare issues, wild cat hybrids, and many, many other topics.

All this experience with text and images has been very useful when I decided in 2015 to write a comprehensive book on color genetics in dogs. Together with the two molecular geneticists Dr. Christoph Beitzinger and Dr. Petra Kühnlein from Laboklin, I tackled the project. In total, I took thousands of photos, of which about 1,000 were finally published in the book. Work on the book took about 1.5 years, and it was first published in October 2017. In the meantime, we are revising it for the second edition.

Not only do I enjoy writing and drawing, but I also take great pleasure in books and illustrations by other authors and artists. That’s why my archive of antiquarian and current dog books is constantly growing. Here you can also find exhibition catalogs, engravings, stamps, postcards and other material around dogs and other animals.

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