Canine color genetics

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Reference book
You are interested in this topic and would like to learn more?
My large reference book entitled “Die Genetik der Fellfarben beim Hund” (Kynos Publishing, Germany) covers all aspects of the diverse coat colors in dogs: biological origins, their significance for dogs (and their people), nomenclature, detailed hereditary traits, health aspects, practical tips on genetic testing and much more.
Special emphasis is placed on the question of health, because whenever coat colors become the focus of breeding selection, there is a danger that traits such as health and temperament move to second or third place – especially when the genetic basis of a particular color also has an impact on important bodily functions.
With over 1,000 unique color photos of all conceivable color and coat variations and a detailed glossary of technical terms.
The second, revised edition will be published in fall 2021.
The book is written in German language.